04:30 78.5 Em Rock Ballad 1971 (54 Years!) Fly Records
RMS Artist Review
(EN) A few seconds of patience! I'm looking for information (FR) Quelques secondes de patience ! Je recherche les informations (IT) Pochi secondi di pazienza! Sto cercando informazioni (ES) Unos segundos de paciencia! Estoy buscando información (PT) Alguns segundos de paciência! Estou à procura de informaçñes (DE) Ein paar Sekunden Geduld! Ich suche nach Informationen
Enjoy RMS | Rock Music Station™
RMS Single Review
(EN) A few seconds of patience! I'm looking for information (FR) Quelques secondes de patience ! Je recherche les informations (IT) Pochi secondi di pazienza! Sto cercando informazioni (ES) Unos segundos de paciencia! Estoy buscando información (PT) Alguns segundos de paciência! Estou à procura de informaçñes (DE) Ein paar Sekunden Geduld! Ich suche nach Informationen
Enjoy RMS | Rock Music Station™
RMS Album Review
(EN) A few seconds of patience! I'm looking for information (FR) Quelques secondes de patience ! Je recherche les informations (IT) Pochi secondi di pazienza! Sto cercando informazioni (ES) Unos segundos de paciencia! Estoy buscando información (PT) Alguns segundos de paciência! Estou à procura de informaçñes (DE) Ein paar Sekunden Geduld! Ich suche nach Informationen
Enjoy RMS | Rock Music Station™
RMS Discography Review
(EN) A few seconds of patience! I'm looking for information (FR) Quelques secondes de patience ! Je recherche les informations (IT) Pochi secondi di pazienza! Sto cercando informazioni (ES) Unos segundos de paciencia! Estoy buscando información (PT) Alguns segundos de paciência! Estou à procura de informaçñes (DE) Ein paar Sekunden Geduld! Ich suche nach Informationen
Enjoy RMS | Rock Music Station™
RMS History Played
1- Choose a date from the list. 2- "This Day!" is the date of the day. 3- Select and press the "GO!" Button 4- View the history of titles played on
RMS Rock Music Station™
!!! !!! Be careful the list can be long !!!
RMS Player Controls
RMS Player Controls
(EN) A few seconds of patience! I'm looking for information (FR) Quelques secondes de patience ! Je recherche les informations (IT) Pochi secondi di pazienza! Sto cercando informazioni (ES) Unos segundos de paciencia! Estoy buscando información (PT) Alguns segundos de paciência! Estou à procura de informaçñes (DE) Ein paar Sekunden Geduld! Ich suche nach Informationen
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Behind every website, there are men and women who give the best of themselves to bring you what you see right now.
The TFEASR™ (The Fox Encoder And The Small Robots) team would like to thank all those who contributed to the creation of this website.
/* TEAM */ Chef: Patrick LOPES-REGO Contact: patrick_lopes_rego [at] hotmail.com Twitter: @twitter From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France
UI developer: Patrick LOPES-REGO Contact: patrick_lopes_rego [at] hotmail.com Twitter: @twitter From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France
One eyed illustrator: Patrick LOPES-REGO Contact: patrick_lopes_rego [at] hotmail.com Twitter: @twitter From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France
Standard Man: Patrick LOPES-REGO Contact: patrick_lopes_rego [at] hotmail.com Twitter: @twitter From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France
Web designer: Patrick LOPES-REGO Contact: patrick_lopes_rego [at] hotmail.com Twitter: @twitter From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France
/* THANKS */ (First) EN Translator: Patrick LOPES-REGO Twitter: @twitter From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France
EN Translator: Patrick LOPES-REGO Twitter: @twitter From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France
FR Translator: Patrick LOPES-REGO Twitter: @twitter From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France
Media Queries by: Patrick LOPES-REGO (@twitter)
/* SITE */ Project Start: 2016/07/17 Last update: 2018/04/04 Language: English / French Doctype: HTML5 IDE: Sublime Text, Notepad++, FileZilla, GIMP