RMS Artist Review

(EN) A few seconds of patience! I'm looking for information
(FR) Quelques secondes de patience ! Je recherche les informations
(IT) Pochi secondi di pazienza! Sto cercando informazioni
(ES) Unos segundos de paciencia! Estoy buscando información
(PT) Alguns segundos de paciência! Estou à procura de informaçñes
(DE) Ein paar Sekunden Geduld! Ich suche nach Informationen

Enjoy RMS | Rock Music Station™

RMS Single Review

(EN) A few seconds of patience! I'm looking for information
(FR) Quelques secondes de patience ! Je recherche les informations
(IT) Pochi secondi di pazienza! Sto cercando informazioni
(ES) Unos segundos de paciencia! Estoy buscando información
(PT) Alguns segundos de paciência! Estou à procura de informaçñes
(DE) Ein paar Sekunden Geduld! Ich suche nach Informationen

Enjoy RMS | Rock Music Station™

RMS Album Review

(EN) A few seconds of patience! I'm looking for information
(FR) Quelques secondes de patience ! Je recherche les informations
(IT) Pochi secondi di pazienza! Sto cercando informazioni
(ES) Unos segundos de paciencia! Estoy buscando información
(PT) Alguns segundos de paciência! Estou à procura de informaçñes
(DE) Ein paar Sekunden Geduld! Ich suche nach Informationen

Enjoy RMS | Rock Music Station™

RMS Discography Review

(EN) A few seconds of patience! I'm looking for information
(FR) Quelques secondes de patience ! Je recherche les informations
(IT) Pochi secondi di pazienza! Sto cercando informazioni
(ES) Unos segundos de paciencia! Estoy buscando información
(PT) Alguns segundos de paciência! Estou à procura de informaçñes
(DE) Ein paar Sekunden Geduld! Ich suche nach Informationen

Enjoy RMS | Rock Music Station™


RMS History Played

RMS History Played

1- Choose a date from the list.
2- "This Day!" is the date of the day.
3- Select and press the "GO!" Button
4- View the history of titles played on

RMS Rock Music Station™

!!! !!! Be careful the list can be long !!!



RMS Player Controls

RMS Player Controls

(EN) A few seconds of patience! I'm looking for information
(FR) Quelques secondes de patience ! Je recherche les informations
(IT) Pochi secondi di pazienza! Sto cercando informazioni
(ES) Unos segundos de paciencia! Estoy buscando información
(PT) Alguns segundos de paciência! Estou à procura de informaçñes
(DE) Ein paar Sekunden Geduld! Ich suche nach Informationen

Enjoy RMS | Rock Music Station™


RMS World Clock


Country: USA USA Pacific West Coast

Los Angeles : PM

Country: USA USA Atlantic East Coast

New York : PM

Country: United KingDown UK Western Europe

London : PM

Country: FRANCE France Western Europe

Paris : AM

Country: AUSTRALIA Australia Southeast of Australia

Melbourne : AM

Country: JAPAN Japan East North Pacific

Tokyo : AM

Exactly in the World


The Fox Encoder Team

Behind every website, there are men and women who give the best of themselves to bring you what you see right now.

The TFEASR™ (The Fox Encoder And The Small Robots) team would like to thank all those who contributed to the creation of this website.

/* TEAM */
Chef: Patrick LOPES-REGO
Contact: patrick_lopes_rego [at] hotmail.com
Twitter: @twitter
From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France

UI developer: Patrick LOPES-REGO
Contact: patrick_lopes_rego [at] hotmail.com
Twitter: @twitter
From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France

One eyed illustrator: Patrick LOPES-REGO
Contact: patrick_lopes_rego [at] hotmail.com
Twitter: @twitter
From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France

Standard Man: Patrick LOPES-REGO
Contact: patrick_lopes_rego [at] hotmail.com
Twitter: @twitter
From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France

Web designer: Patrick LOPES-REGO
Contact: patrick_lopes_rego [at] hotmail.com
Twitter: @twitter
From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France

/* THANKS */
(First) EN Translator: Patrick LOPES-REGO
Twitter: @twitter
From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France

EN Translator: Patrick LOPES-REGO
Twitter: @twitter
From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France

FR Translator: Patrick LOPES-REGO
Twitter: @twitter
From: Vincennes, ile-de-france, France

Media Queries by: Patrick LOPES-REGO (@twitter)

/* SITE */
Project Start: 2016/07/17
Last update: 2018/04/04
Language: English / French
Doctype: HTML5
IDE: Sublime Text, Notepad++, FileZilla, GIMP